Year 2012 was a breakthrough in hair care. More or less around this time conditioning treatments entered hair salons and houses of many women. Everyday hair care begun to mean more than hair wash with better shampoo, now it was also about deep nourishment and oil treatment. Today we will discuss semi-finished product, which popularity started to bloom very recently - macadamia oil for damaged hair.

Vegetable oils are usually pressed from fruits of given plant. In case of macadamia oil for this process are used nuts of tree with the same name. Nuts are cold or hot pressed, though cold pressing is a much better method, because it does not deprive product of its nourishing ingredients. Where does macadamia oil come from? Those trees grow mostly in rain forests of Australia, Indonesia and New Caledonia. So, for us it is quite exotic oil.

Properties of macadamia oil

The most popular use of macadamia oil is in hair care. It is said that this oil carries significant regeneration properties, for this reason it is recommended for dry, weak and damaged hair. It provides quick regeneration and repair of distressed hair structure. On top of that, it protects hair against additional damages (for example thermic, caused by free radicals or UV radiation). Beside mentioned properties, macadamia oil also ensures hair with rejuvenation, condition improvement, smoother and softness. However, those are additional properties and definitely not the only one.

Composition of macadamia oil

Where do properties of macadami oil are coming from? From its composition obviously. Regenerative properties of macadamia oil are mostly merit of palmitoleic acid. It is a mono unsaturated fatty acid, which is an ingredient of human skin that contributes to oil's great absorption. What is more, in macadamia oil you will find lecithin, omega fatty acid and some EFAs. Those are not the only ingredients of this cosmetic. In composition of macadamia oil are also present minerals and vitamins (A, B, E).

Use of macadamia oil

This tropical vegetable oil fulfils its task on multiple levels. It definitely improves scalp condition and is great for hair care. Good quality macadamia oil can be used as a locally used conditioner, protective serum, product for scalp massage or even ingredient for enriching other cosmetics.

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